Hey Everyone
There are so many blogs out there when it comes to animation and art in general. All the posts that I do here I really try to concentrate on just things specifically just for animators. You always here that life drawing is so very important to us animators and especially early on in our careers and in school. Very few of us realize what life drawing will do to help us as animators because we are learning the tools, principles and programs....usually all at the same time. But as I mentioned early about posing....this is really where all of it stems from. LIFE DRAWING.
I have looked at many art blogs and you can find a ton out there. This is why I have included some in the Blog roll because I feel that some exposure to them is great for animators. I mentioned in the last post about Rad Secrhist's blog. He has gotten together with other artists like those over at Character Design Blog, and started a new site called The Art Center.
"The Art Center is a brand new place where Artists will share Ideas, Tips, and Tutorials. It will quickly grow both in content and artists from all the different art mediums. The Art Center will be a sister site to the Character Design blog..."
This site is a great resource to really study what goes into a pose and how these great artists study and breakdown the human form. When we as animators understand how poses are designed then it will only shine in our own work when we start to thumbnail our poses and then translate that into 3D.
There is so much good stuff on their individual sites that I can't imagine this site being any different. So take a look and enjoy.
JPLabels: Character Design, Life Drawing, Pose Design, Rad How To, The Art Center