How To Animate Quadrupeds: Jason Ryan

Jason Ryan has just released a new 6 part series of downloadable webinars titled The Four Legged Series.

The Four Legged Series

Jason Ryan:

"What I wanted to do in this series is cover how I approach animating four legged actions from concept to completion.  Just like my Tutorials at, I start from scratch and animate each action in 2D for every single frame.  So whether you are doing your shots in 2D, CG or Stop-Motion you will be able to follow along from the Blocking stage all the way through to adding overlap on tails and ears.  I want to keep the price really low so that everyone can afford them.  On Jasonryananimation each tutorial ranges from $40 to $100 each.  For this series I am giving you all six tutorials together in one download for just $39.99."

I haven't had a chance to look at these yet but I've seen how Jason approaches quadrupeds from a few earlier jrawebinars and it is truly an easy to grasp workflow.

Have a look! Great Price!


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