If you haven't seen or heard about
RGBnotes then you're in for a treat. I've had the pleasure of working with
Eriks Vitolins the creator of
RGBnotes back at
RnH Studios and he is multifaceted in both animation and tech. He was able to help develop tools for us animators over there and to this day I haven't seen much better.
Eriks has
been on this venture now to create
RGBnotes as a way for not only animators but artists from all areas, to be able to share work, get feedback and give feedback using some amazing tools to do so. After been given some access to the site and a demo, I really feel that animators and artists can use this as their go to set of tools for review and feedback. I see schools, professionals and studios hopping on board to help their artists easily create the best content possible with the set of Tools
RGBnotes offers.
- Powerful collaboration, animation & annotation tools for shared media.
- Private and secure media storage to share your digital assets.
- Simple Navigation to help organize and track communication and progress.
Full Description
We are artists, building tools for artists.
RGBnotes is aims to assist artists around the world to create, share and collaborate with the most powerful tools available.
RGBnotes is an web-based service where members can store and share
visual media intended for review. Currently we provide powerful
annotation tool "RGBsketch" is used to streamline communication over
high-res imagery and video. We hope our tools enhance the creative
process for collaborators near and far.
Our navigation provides a familiar "inbox-like" interface, but unlike
email our content is centralized and shared with given permission. We
also have upcoming project-based tools for larger groups to share and
communicate quickly & privately as a team.
Security and privacy are very important to us. We aim to provide
security that can be trusted by studios, professionals, freelancers and
students alike. We take extensive measures to protect our members'
media. All media access requires a login and specific permission. All
navigation is encrypted via SSL. On top of that, all links to stored
media are obscured and tucked away from prying eyes.
Links and Info
For further information, please contact Eriks Vitolins